Projects and Assignments
These are some of my recents projects and assignments that I developed during the web development course program. This website itself was part of program. Based on single page design from first semester, I expanded and developed it from scratch without using any template/theme or widgets.

Aliens for Mr. President
A mini demo game in which user can control spaceship and can take decisions from available options. A fun thing developed during presidential elections.
- Project Type: Individual
- For: Web Design - Semester I
- Languages: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery

Internet Speed Monitor
A tool to monitor the interned speed. User sets minimum speed, session duration and time to refresh. The tool will indicate when it falls below the given minimum.
- Project Type: Individual
- For: Web Programming - Semester I
- Languages: JavaScript, JQuery, HTML, CSS

DISK Pizza
A Pizza restauraunt website with different features utilizing JS & JQuery. I developed the contest and helped team members in Menu & Daily Special pages.
- Project Type: 4 Member Group
- For: Web Programming - Semester I
- Languages: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery

Ticket Support System
A support ticket system where users can create new tickets and send messages. Admin and staff can respond to messages and update ticket status.
- Project Type: Individual
- For: XML and Web Services - Semester II
- Languages: XML, XSD, XPath, DOM, PHP, CSS

F1 ESports League Manager (Beta)
An online league manager system that manages overall league including drivers & teams info, league standings, schedule as well as weekly results.
- Project Type: Individual
- For: Mobile Development - Semester II
- Languages: C#, ASP.NET MVC, Entity Framework

The Movie Tracker
A platform where the users can discuss about movies, add to watchlist, see trailers and rate them. I developed the poll feature with separate functionalities for admin & user.
- Project Type: 5 Member Group
- For: Web Application Development - Semester II
- Languages: PHP, CSS, MySQL, Composer

F1 Fan
A fan website providing all the quick stats through Open API integration. Also used Unsplash & PayPal APIs to get top images in gallery section and for donation feature.
- Project Type: Individual
- For: XML & Web Services - Semester II
- Languages: API, PHP, CSS, HTML, JS, JQuery

Happy Moments
A mini app to collect your happy moments. User can add photos, title, description and tags. Users can either create their account or sign in with google account. Deployed through Heroku and Netlify
- Project Type: Individual
- For: Web Project - Semester III
- Languages: MERN stack